
Showing posts with the label #asbestos abatement

What to Do If You Find Asbestos in Your Popcorn Ceiling

Having asbestos in your popcorn ceiling can be dangerous. But there are things you can do to prevent it from spreading, and you can also remove it. In this article, we will explain how to test for asbestos, how to remove it, and how to cover it up. Removing Asbestos from a Popcorn Ceiling Whether you are renovating your home or building a new one, it is important to check for asbestos in your popcorn ceiling. Asbestos can be dangerous and can cause diseases if you breathe it in.  When you are working with asbestos, you should be careful to wear protective gear. This includes a mask and disposable coveralls. You should also turn off the air conditioning and heating system. In addition, you should post signs indicating that no visitors should enter the work area. If you are not comfortable with handling asbestos, you should hire an abatement company to remove the material. This is the safest option. An abatement company is licensed and trained in the proper way to handle the materia...

How to Safely Remove Asbestos From a Popcorn Ceiling

If you have a popcorn ceiling in your home, you should know that it could be made of asbestos. While asbestos was banned as a construction material in 1978, it was still commonly used in popcorn ceilings in the 1970s and '80s. To avoid exposure to asbestos, you should know about the hazards it can cause and dispose of it in a safe manner. Testing For Asbestos in a Popcorn Ceiling If you suspect that your asbestos popcorn ceiling , you must test it immediately. Testing for asbestos is not a difficult process, but it is important to follow safety precautions when doing so. The first thing you need to do is wear protective gear. You may want to wear a disposable mask and gloves. You will also need a putty knife and rubber gloves. Then, take small samples from various areas of the ceiling. Next, send the sample to an asbestos testing lab. Asbestos is a dangerous mineral that can harm your health if you inhale it. This mineral was widely used in popcorn ceilings before it was banned. If...

8 Keys to Identifying and Removing Asbestos

Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that poses some serious risk to your health. In the mid 90’s it was highly used as a construction material due to its various unique qualities but it was only in the late ’90s when the government realized the potential risk to the people if they come in contact with this dangerous material and therefore decided to ban its use. Though, it could still be found in older living spaces and homes which were built in the 90s. Therefore it becomes really important that people are aware of its toxicity and should get their home tested if they have any doubt about its presence. There have been many cases reported of the dangerous asbestos in Lake Orion, MI . so it is important that people understand its risk and do not shy away from getting their space tested. 1) Identifying Asbestos Basements and the attic are some of the most usual places where asbestos could be present. The risk increases if any of these were built around 1970. People should understand that asbes...