8 Keys to Identifying and Removing Asbestos

Removing Asbestos

Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that poses some serious risk to your health. In the mid 90’s it was highly used as a construction material due to its various unique qualities but it was only in the late ’90s when the government realized the potential risk to the people if they come in contact with this dangerous material and therefore decided to ban its use. Though, it could still be found in older living spaces and homes which were built in the 90s. Therefore it becomes really important that people are aware of its toxicity and should get their home tested if they have any doubt about its presence. There have been many cases reported of the dangerous asbestos in Lake Orion, MI. so it is important that people understand its risk and do not shy away from getting their space tested.

1) Identifying Asbestos

Basements and the attic are some of the most usual places where asbestos could be present. The risk increases if any of these were built around 1970. People should understand that asbestos could hardly be identified through the naked eye so it’s important to get the place tested if you have even the slightest doubt. Things like popcorn ceilings, insulations, flooring glues, and roofing shingles are some of the places which might have the presence of asbestos.

2) Get the Material Tested

There are EPA-certified labs that will help you to get the material tested and rest assured if there is a presence of asbestos or not. Some companies will assist you from the very start by collecting the samples until the results. Environmental Affair LLC is one of the best asbestos abatement companies in Lake Orion, mi which will assist you in safely collecting the sample, getting it tested, and if found positive, initiating the removal process.

3) Hire an Asbestos Abatement Contractor

Removal of asbestos requires safety procedures to be followed religiously. People often look to do it themselves which is legally valid but it is suggested to instead hire a contractor who will have the required tools and technique to safely commence the process. Do not forget to take an elaborated written plan from the contractor before hiring.

4) DIY Asbestos Removal

It is generally not a good idea to do it oneself because the process requires many safety protocols which should essentially be followed and only a pro will be able to do it while taking all the necessary precautions. Though if you decide to do it on your own, make sure to keep your safety a priority.

5) Wear Protective Equipment

There is nothing more important than wearing the right set of protective equipment. It might include various things like gloves, respiratory protection, goggles, and a full body protective suit.

6) Wet Down Surfaces

If you suspect that the surface contains asbestos, it is advised to keep it wet. Keeping it wet will certainly help you restrict the dust but the risk remains. Make sure to thoroughly clean yourself once you are done.

7) Get Rid of Clothing

Make sure to wear the junk clothes which you can dispose of once you are done with the procedure. Also, ensure that the air access to another part of the house is closed from the area where you are working.

8) Dispose of Asbestos Properly

Disposing of this hazardous material properly is one of the most essential steps. Make sure that it is double bagged and properly sealed before you finally dispose of it at the landfill where asbestos could be disposed of.

Environmental Affair LLC is one of the best asbestos abatement companies in Lake Orion, mi who will be happy to help you with all the necessary steps for asbestos removal.


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