What Does Asbestos Pipe Insulation Look Like?
There was a time when asbestos was widely used for insulation systems. There were various other places of home insulation where asbestos was highly preferred due to its fire resistance qualities. Asbestos was also highly used in pipe insulation, the same pipes that were being used for water or heating purposes. Asbestos being able to retain the heat effectively and working as a great fire-resistant was one of the likeliest choices until the government realized its side effects and limited its use, Though one will still be able to find asbestos pipe insulation in Lake Orion, Mi . If at any point in time the little particles of the asbestos leak from the insulation and are freely suspended into the air, they are likely to pose a huge danger to anyone coming in contact. Asbestos remains intact until not being touched but once disturbed, the little particles of the asbestos quickly spread across in the thin air and will likely cause very severe diseases in the long term. Fatal diseases lik...