How to Test For Asbestos Carpet Glue
Does My Carpet Have Asbestos Glue?
might be a near shock for most people to learn that the carpet being used in
their offices or home have the presence of asbestos glue. It’s a mere shock for
anyone because no one would expect asbestos to be used at a place that is in
contact with you for most of the time. But the reason for it being used is
good. It is known as one of the best adhesive. It is mixed with glue and then
it prevents the carpet from curling up and keeps it in place. One can find
plenty of asbestos carpet glue in Lake Orin, Mi or anywhere around the states.
What Color
Is Asbestos Carpet Glue?
color in mastic is usually brown or sometimes yellow or tan. Chrysotile color
asbestos is mixed with the glue which happens to be very commonly used in the
building. Friable asbestos can easily get damaged and thankfully mastic is not
friable asbestos. But if being disturbed badly, it can become airborne posing a
good risk to the people in the surrounding.
How Do
You Test For Asbestos Carpet Glue?
is particularly one relevant way to make sure that your carpet has the presence
of asbestos carpet glue. You will have to take out carpeting of at least 3 sq
inch along with the mastic and send it to PLM (polarized light microscopy). One
can also plan to hire a building inspector to get the sample easily.
Testing Cost
asbestos testing cost can range from anywhere between the price of $30 to $50
for a piece. Different labs offer
different prices so one has to find what place suits him the most. We at
environmental affair LLC would be glad to help you with asbestos testing in Lake Orion, Mi at good prices.
How Do
You Remove Asbestos Carpet Glue?
the asbestos carpet glue is the work of professionals. Various asbestos
abetment institutes will do the work with utmost safety. If you are willing to
do it all by yourself, make sure to take permission from the relevant
department and comply with all the safety guidelines for ensuring your and
everyone’s safety.
How Can
I Send A Sample For Asbestos Testing?
mail samples should have a chain of custody form as well as a tracking number
to rightfully process.
We at
Environmental Affairs LLC have a great team of professionals who look after most of
the cases of asbestos carpet glue in
Lake Orion, Michigan. We would be happy to help you in getting the
sample tested and forward all the requested information.
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