The Human Body And Asbestos: What Can It Do And How Fast Can It Affect You?


‘Why get an asbestos examination, management, and removal services in Lake Orion, Michigan?’ 

Some may ask this question since, in recent years, critical adverse health outcomes from asbestos exposure have not been as expected as they were in the 20th century. Add to that the point that the use of asbestos has significantly decreased across all industries, and identifying and removing asbestos does not seem to be all that important.

However, the threat of asbestos is right and now. It is no longer as rampant as it was before because of thorough inspection, management, and asbestos removal services in Lake Orion, MI. The adverse impacts of asbestos on the human body have not changed and are dangerous and fatal at their worst.

dangerous asbestos lake orion mi

What Are the Side Effects of Asbestos on the Human Body in Lake Orion?

Asbestos negatively affects the human body in many ways. When asbestos is smelled, it can get trapped inside a person’s lungs and stay there for a long time, causing swelling, scarring, smelling problems, lung cancer and ultimately more severe health difficulties.

Asbestos is grouped as a known human being carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. It is pinpointed explicitly as a cause of mesothelioma, a few cancers of the thin membranes that line the lungs and chest cavity, and the abdominal cavity and other inner organs. Asbestos also improves the risk of lung cancer, especially if asbestos exposure is combined with smoking tobacco.

Other non-cancerous conditions created by asbestos include asbestosis, a scarring of the lungs from breathing asbestos fibers that causes conciseness of breath, persistent coughing, and persistent lung illness. Pleural disorders may also develop, which makes changes in the membrane surrounding the lungs and chest cavity. These can cause the membranes to thicker or collect fluid around the lungs. While not all who experience pleural changes will have breathing difficulties, they will most suitable have less efficient lung function and be at a higher risk for lung cancer.

How Fast Can Asbestos Affect You?

The impact of asbestos does not present themselves quickly. It can take ten to forty years after primary exposure before symptoms start to appear. These symptoms can include:

  • Shortness of breathing, wheezing, or hoarseness

  • A persistent cold that only gets worse over time

  • Chest pain or tightness

  • Lack of appetite and weight loss

  • Fatigue

  • Difficulty swallowing

  • Blood in the spit or fluid coughed up from the lungs.

However, the presence of these symptoms may not forever be asbestos-related; a thorough physical examination is recommended to determine precisely what you are suffering from and its primary causes.

If you’re pretty sure that you’ve been presented with asbestos before, there are several other parts you may also have to consider. The level at which asbestos may influence one’s health can depend on the following:

- Level of asbestos exposure - How long and how often a person has been presented to asbestos. Of course, the longer and more generally a person is exposed to asbestos products, the more liable they are to develop an asbestos-related illness. This is why those included in construction, destruction, rescue and rehabilitation, asbestos mining and milling, and manufacturing of asbestos products are at a more significant opportunity for developing asbestos-related illnesses.

- Levels of asbestos present in the air - Greater numbers mean greater exposure and consequently more essential fitness risks.

- Size, shape, and chemical makeup of the asbestos present - Asbestos minerals are divided into two main groups: amphibole and serpentine, which include chrysotile asbestos. Although all forms of asbestos are supposedly dangerous, studies have shown that amphibole forms may cause more wickedness than chrysotile, particularly in creating mesothelioma, since they stay in the lungs more an extended period.

- Whether the person has pre-existing breathing or lung problems - People with pre-existing lung diseases are more exposed to asbestos-related disorders.

- Whether the person smokes - Several studies have revealed that smokers presented to asbestos have more critical risks of contracting asbestos-related illnesses.

Numerous studies have shown that there is no such thing as a ‘certain level of asbestos publicity. This means that any exposure to asbestos poses a genuine health risk. That's why, it is of most importance to maximum exposure through asbestos inspection, management, and asbestos removal in Lake Orion, MI. Prevention is the most suitable resolution.

If you need professional asbestos inspection, analysis, and risk assessment services in Lake Orion, get in touch with Asbestos Check today with Environmental Affairs, LLC. One may never be too cautious when it comes to safe and securing your space from asbestos exposure. Give us a call now on (248) 977-1388 and visit: and get a quote.

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